Rules last updated November 16, 2024
Field Rules
Rule #1: Eye Protection
Rule #2: Blind Man
Rule #3: Parking Lot Safety
Rule #4: Minimum Engagement Distances and Engagement Safety
Rule #5: Blind Firing
Rule #6: Hit Calling
Rule #7: Safety Kills
Rule #8: Stealth Kills
Rule #9: Medic Rules
Rule #10: Uniform & Attire
Rule #11: Non-Players
Rule #12: Age Requirements
Rule #13: Vehicles, Tanks, and Technicals
Rule #14: Physical Contact
Rule #15: Weapons
Rule #16: Field Care
Rule #17: Building Rules Rule #18: Grenades, Smokes, and Lasers Rule #19: Night Action/Play Rule #20: Mild MilSim Rule Overrides Rule #21: Camping
Rule #1: Eye Protection
Eye protection is to be worn at all times while on the field and must be ANZI 87.1+ rated. If your goggles are fogging, you must leave the field to wipe them down. Going to a quiet area of the field is not acceptable, you never know where an enemy player may be. We do allow mesh eye pro.
Eye protection is to be worn at all times while on the field and must be ANZI 87.1+ rated. If your goggles are fogging, you must leave the field to wipe them down. Going to a quiet area of the field is not acceptable, you never know where an enemy player may be. We do allow mesh eye pro.
- Anyone age 17 and younger must have at least full seal (ANZI 87.1+ rated or stamped steel mesh) eye protection secured to your head via a strap and lower face protection. At a minimum, your mouth needs "hard" protection. We'd recommend a solid or wire mesh lower face protection, not anything cloth/thin. Ex: Since a "shemagh" is all cloth, it is not considered lower face protection.
- Anyone age 18 or older must have at least full seal (ANZI 87.1+ rated or steel stamped mesh) eye protection secured to your head via a strap. Lower face protection is not required, but is strongly recommended.
Rule #2: Blind Man
Blind Man is a call used to stop the game. If someone's eye pro falls off, or if someone is seriously injured on the field, or something dangerous is on the field, yelling "Blind Man" will stop the game. If you hear someone yell "Blind Man," immediately stop firing, stop moving, and yell "Blind Man" yourself. Everything "stops" during "Blind Man", if you were being "healed", the count stops during the "Blind Man" then resumes at "Game On". Do not start playing again until you hear the "Game On" call. While the game is stopped, staff members will be able to help an injured player, help find eye pro or remove a player from the field, or assess possible risks on the field.
Blind Man is a call used to stop the game. If someone's eye pro falls off, or if someone is seriously injured on the field, or something dangerous is on the field, yelling "Blind Man" will stop the game. If you hear someone yell "Blind Man," immediately stop firing, stop moving, and yell "Blind Man" yourself. Everything "stops" during "Blind Man", if you were being "healed", the count stops during the "Blind Man" then resumes at "Game On". Do not start playing again until you hear the "Game On" call. While the game is stopped, staff members will be able to help an injured player, help find eye pro or remove a player from the field, or assess possible risks on the field.
Rule #3: Parking Lot Safety
- In the parking lot, leaving the field, or otherwise not on the field, your gun should not be loaded and the safety engaged.
- Airsoft weapons, regardless of power source, with easily removable magazines should have magazines removed.
- If you have a pistol, you do not need to remove the mag or clear the chamber, but if the mag is still in the pistol, it must be holstered/pocketed.
- LMGs should have their drum mags removed where applicable, if not, the drum battery should be with disconnected.
- A barrel sock MUST be utilized if you cannot remove and/or disable the drum/magazine.
- Remember to clear your chamber after removing the magazine when/if leaving the field of play
- If you need to test fire your gun, move to the edge of the playing field to do so, or use the chrono area. Remember, you and anyone around you should have eyepro on when firing an Airsoft gun. You may not test fire your Airsoft gun in the parking lot.
Rule #4: Minimum Engagement Distances and Engagement Safety
All guns entering the field must be chronographed. Once chronographed, they will be given a minimum engagement distance, or MED. You are given this MED in relation to how powerful your gun is shooting. Below, you will find the chart we use to gauge MEDs. Click HERE if you do not see the bb weight you use on the chart below.
All guns entering the field must be chronographed. Once chronographed, they will be given a minimum engagement distance, or MED. You are given this MED in relation to how powerful your gun is shooting. Below, you will find the chart we use to gauge MEDs. Click HERE if you do not see the bb weight you use on the chart below.
We use a Joule rating rather than the more common FPS rating. This allows us to more safely limit guns of all types. To find what MED you might have, chrono with the bb weight you are using. Find the bb weight on the top column and then look down until you find what part of the chart your fps is on. For example, if you are shooting 350fps with a .28g bb, you will find that that is above 340fps, but below 378fps. This means you will be given a 50ft MED.
** Binary Trigger (enabled) and/or Burst are always considered Full Auto. **
Chronoing Procedure
Before play on each game day, please chrono your airsoft replicas. Proceed to the Chrono area (green awning) with proper eyepro, replica demagged or pistol holstered, and mags should contain the BBs you plan on using during the day. CO2 users should start with a fresh CO2 cartridge. The Chrono operator will ask what weight BB you are shooting. You will fire three shots through the Chrono, the highest of the 3 will determine your MED for the day. Your replica will be marked appropriately.
A) If you change BB weights during the day, you need to re-chrono your replica.
B) HPA users - if you adjust your pressure after chronoing, you need to re-chrono your replica.
C) Green Gas users - if you change from regular GG to Red/Winter GG or vice-versa, you need to re-chrono your replica
D) Pistol users - if you plan to use both GG and CO2 during the day, you must chrono with both mags. Your tag will be the higher of the two gases.
** Binary Trigger (enabled) and/or Burst are always considered Full Auto. **
Chronoing Procedure
Before play on each game day, please chrono your airsoft replicas. Proceed to the Chrono area (green awning) with proper eyepro, replica demagged or pistol holstered, and mags should contain the BBs you plan on using during the day. CO2 users should start with a fresh CO2 cartridge. The Chrono operator will ask what weight BB you are shooting. You will fire three shots through the Chrono, the highest of the 3 will determine your MED for the day. Your replica will be marked appropriately.
A) If you change BB weights during the day, you need to re-chrono your replica.
B) HPA users - if you adjust your pressure after chronoing, you need to re-chrono your replica.
C) Green Gas users - if you change from regular GG to Red/Winter GG or vice-versa, you need to re-chrono your replica
D) Pistol users - if you plan to use both GG and CO2 during the day, you must chrono with both mags. Your tag will be the higher of the two gases.
Rule #5: Blind Firing
Do not blind fire. Blind firing is when you are shooting your gun without a line of sight down your barrel to your intended target. You must be looking down your barrel and be behind your gun to shoot your weapon. This is to prevent injury and MED violations. Most of the time, this is exactly what happens when you blind fire. "Angle" sights, mirrors, devices, and/or "electronics" being used to fire your replica around corners, over structures, etc. are prohibited.
Do not blind fire. Blind firing is when you are shooting your gun without a line of sight down your barrel to your intended target. You must be looking down your barrel and be behind your gun to shoot your weapon. This is to prevent injury and MED violations. Most of the time, this is exactly what happens when you blind fire. "Angle" sights, mirrors, devices, and/or "electronics" being used to fire your replica around corners, over structures, etc. are prohibited.
Rule #6: Hit Calling and Calling Yourself Out of the Game
- A hit happens whenever a bb (including "friendly fire") makes direct contact with any part of your body or gear. This includes flaps of cloth, backpacks, feet, or fingers. Gun hits do not count. When you are hit, Loudly shout "HIT", raise your gun in the air and/or pull out your dead rag and wave it so that the person who shot you will know you are being hit. Then place your dead rag on your head as a visible mark that you are hit/"dead". Ricochets do not count as hits, but do not automatically assume a shot is a ricochet if you do not know where it came from. In all circumstances, it is better to assume that you were hit than to not call it. When hit, you may not talk or discuss any part of the game until you have respawned back in the game. This includes radio contact. Dead men do not talk. Whatever you have to say can wait until you have respawned back into the game.
- If you need to leave the game for whatever reason, say you've lost a mag, or are just ready to walk back to the parking lot, you may use your dead rag to mark you as being out of the game. If you are entering the field you should have a dead rag on or your gun in the air. You cannot be medic'ed back into the game, you must respawn at a friendly respawn. You cannot spawn in where ever you wish once reentering the game field. Do not act as if you are out of play, this plays on player's trust and is dishonorable.
- Do not call hits on an opposing player. If you suspect they are not calling their hits, the appropriate response is to continue shooting them; however, do not break your MED, or the existing game rules. If you believe that you are hitting them and they are not calling themselves out, it is not your responsibility to inform them. Find a ref with an orange vest and inform them of the situation. If you need to sit out, then do so. Getting angry does not solve the problem. Just because you suspect someone else of cheating does not give you the right to cheat.
- Dead rags must be either Red, Orange, or Pink. For Night Action, a Red/Orange/Pink light/glow stick is required and will act as the Dead rag. Other colors do not constitute as a dead rage. Dead rags need to be visible so that players understand their targets are shot and to stop shooting.
- A riot/personal shield is an extension of your gear. If the shield gets hit, you would be hit.
Rule #7: Safety Kills
Safety Kills are a courtesy to your fellow airsofter, OR, when you are within your MED and cannot legally shoot your target. You must have your gun pointed at the person as if you were about to shoot them. At this point you may loudly call out "Safety Kill" The target is then hit. If the target has his gun pointed at you, you cannot safety kill the target. Under no circumstances are you allowed to fire within your MED. Do not attempt to safety kill someone further than what is reasonable. If they are 50ft away, no, 10ft, yes. If someone has the drop on you, but you have a 0ft MED, be honorable and take the hit. Safety kills are one of the most controversial points in airsoft, it is always better to shoot your target, or to be able to shoot your target, than to call a safety kill. 0ft MED side arms are highly recommended to avoid potential issues.
Safety Kills are a courtesy to your fellow airsofter, OR, when you are within your MED and cannot legally shoot your target. You must have your gun pointed at the person as if you were about to shoot them. At this point you may loudly call out "Safety Kill" The target is then hit. If the target has his gun pointed at you, you cannot safety kill the target. Under no circumstances are you allowed to fire within your MED. Do not attempt to safety kill someone further than what is reasonable. If they are 50ft away, no, 10ft, yes. If someone has the drop on you, but you have a 0ft MED, be honorable and take the hit. Safety kills are one of the most controversial points in airsoft, it is always better to shoot your target, or to be able to shoot your target, than to call a safety kill. 0ft MED side arms are highly recommended to avoid potential issues.
Rule #8: Stealth Kills
Stealth kills are silent kills. This requires physical contact with the target. Do not hit, punch, butt, or otherwise aggressively contact the target. Gently place your hand on the shoulder/s of the target and tell them they have been stealth killed. When a target is stealth killed, they do not yell hit, or wave their hands in the air. They put on their dead rag and wait for respawn, be it a medic or walking back to a flag.
Stealth kills are silent kills. This requires physical contact with the target. Do not hit, punch, butt, or otherwise aggressively contact the target. Gently place your hand on the shoulder/s of the target and tell them they have been stealth killed. When a target is stealth killed, they do not yell hit, or wave their hands in the air. They put on their dead rag and wait for respawn, be it a medic or walking back to a flag.
Rule #9: Medic Rules
Not all games have the same medic rules. However, most do. These are often called "Standard Medic Rules", "AOSC Medic Rules", or "SQA Medic Rules". Unless otherwise stated, expect to follow these when playing the game.
Not all games have the same medic rules. However, most do. These are often called "Standard Medic Rules", "AOSC Medic Rules", or "SQA Medic Rules". Unless otherwise stated, expect to follow these when playing the game.
- All friendly players are medics.
- You may not medic an enemy player. Likewise, you may not accept medicing from an enemy player.
- The action of medic is tapping someone for 30 seconds with one pat per second. At the end of the 30 seconds, the player is medic'd back in. The action can take place any appropriate location on the player's body, such as a foot, shoulder, back, or head.
- You may not medic two people at the same time.
- Two people cannot medic the same person in half the time.
- You may medic drag. One person may walk with the hit player. If you have two people, you may move as fast as you can. You must maintain physical contact between players when medic dragging. Please do not physically drag the player without given consent from the player. Ask them to stand or get ready to be walked out of the line if fire. Medic dragging can only happen sideways or backwards. You aren't allowed to medic drag someone forward.
- You cannot medic the person while you are dragging them.
- You may interrupt your medicing of a hit player for any reason, but if you do, you must restart your count. This includes shooting an enemy player. If you have to pull your trigger, you have to restart your count. If you need to drag the player, restart the count. If you need to run away and come back, restart the count.
Rule #10: Uniform Attire/Colors (Updated 2/6/2024)
- There are two general team names: Alpha and Bravo.
- Alpha - green based camo to identify their team. (Radio - even channels)
- Bravo - tan based camo to identify their team. (Radio - odd channels, excluding channel 1)
- The predominate color what you wear will be used to distinguish which team you are apart of. If your camo is neither green nor tan, you are known as a "balancer". We will use arm/leg bands to assign you to whichever team you best fit, or to whichever team needs the extra players. Green arm/leg bands will be used for Alpha. Yellow arm/leg bands will be used for Bravo. Players who show in clearly identifiable team colors will not need arm/leg bands. Only players in mix colors and balancer colors will be required to wear arm/leg bands. They will be given out during the safety briefing. Arm/leg bands are typically duck tape, but if cloth bands are issued, it should be returned at the end of the day.
- Gear color should generally match your camo colors. Head gear (hats, helmets, etc.) must match your clothing, but the rest of your gear is not strictly required to match. If a quick glance cannot identify your team, you will be given arm/leg bands. For example, if you have all green gear with multicam camo, you may be marked with yellow tape to aid in team identification.
- Do NOT mix green and tan colors, you will not be allowed to play.
- Do not remove arm/leg bands. If they fall off during the game, please find an admin to get them reapplied.
- If you come with friends and wish to play together, dress alike. Any differences could cause a friend to be on the "other" team.
- Any clothing with colors that might be mistaken as a deadrag, admin, or spectator cannot be worn while playing. NO RED or ORANGE clothing.
- Gun color does not matter.
- We are family friendly and Christian based. No patch, graphic, or photograph describing or depicting lewd or sexual behavior, nudity or immodest clothing allowed
- Examples of Alpha/Green

- Examples of Bravo/Tan
Rule #11: Non-Players
- Admin and/or reffing staff will have on an orange shirt or vest. If you need help, you may ask one of these people. They will be able to help you with game rules or get you transportation off the field if something has happened. If there is a rule dispute, anyone wearing an orange vest will be able to help you.
- Cameramen, parents, or observers of any sort will have fluorescent/lime green vests. These individuals are not running the game and are not able to help with game rules or any part of the game. They are there to watch and are unarmed.
Rule #12: Age Requirements
- Anyone going down on the field must have a current signed SQA waiver on file. If the individual is under the age of 18, a legal parent or guardian must sign the waiver. No current waiver – No Play.
- 6-12yrs - Parent or Guardian must be on the SQA property. Parent/Guardian is encouraged to watch the game play on the field as a non-combatant/spectator. A fluorescent green vest and eyepro are provided free of charge. (Not applicable to Private Parties)
- 13yrs and above - None.
Rule #13: Vehicles, Tanks, and Technicals
- No vehicles are allowed on the field without permission.
- If the vehicle's engine is on, keep at least 10 feet away from it. It does not have a kill radius, simply move away from the vehicle if the engine cuts on, and avoid getting close if the engine is running. This means that the engine must be off to load or unload personnel.
- All vehicles in play are limited to 10mph.
- These vehicles may be taken out with mini nerf footballs or TAGinn Rounds. The projectiles must be launched from a launcher, they cannot be thrown. It only takes one hit for the vehicle to be destroyed and all occupants are dead after the hit. The vehicle has a 5 minute bleed out before it can go back to respawn. All players within the vehicle are a part of the vehicle and must wait the 5 minute bleed out. Players within a vehicle cannot be medic’d.
- Players within vehicles can be shot. Eye pro is not an exception for vehicle personnel, all players on the field must have eye pro on. Players entering or exiting a vehicle can be shot. If a bb makes contact with someone inside of a vehicle, they are hit and should follow the game's medic/respawn rules.
- Vehicles should be built well enough to take a hit from a projectile, be it a bb or an anti vehicle round. If your vehicle is not built to withstand hits, you may be asked to leave it in the parking lot. Vehicles will be shot and need to be able to withstand the shots, if you do not want your vehicle being shot, do not bring it onto an airsoft field.
- Vehicles must be equipped with a dead flag to signify that they are hit or out of the game. Vehicles with this flag are non aggressive. The flag must be clearly visible.
- Do not make contact with a vehicle without the operator's permission. Do not try to throw a grenade (BB or smoke) into a vehicle. Do not try to stick your gun into a hole to shoot inside a vehicle. Do not try to climb on top of a vehicle. Do not try to find cracks, create cracks, or otherwise purposefully damage the vehicle.
- Launcher projectiles both on vehicles and off of vehicles are limited to TAGinn Rounds or mini nerf footballs. Mini nerf footballs have a maximum FPS of 230. Anything else will need to be cleared with admin staff before it can be used on the field.
Rule #14: Physical Contact
Aggressive contact and roughhousing or violence will not be tolerated on this field. Safety is a large part of airsoft, and any physical altercations will immediately result in the offending player being removed from the field. Contact an admin immediately if you see any physical altercations happening on the field.
Aggressive contact and roughhousing or violence will not be tolerated on this field. Safety is a large part of airsoft, and any physical altercations will immediately result in the offending player being removed from the field. Contact an admin immediately if you see any physical altercations happening on the field.
Rule #15: Real Weapons and Firearms
Do not bring a weapon onto the field. Guns, knives longer than 3 inches, or anything else that was designed to bring harm or death does not have a place on the field. This does include machetes, axes, and other brush clearing devices. Plastic or rubber fake weapons are fine.
Do not bring a weapon onto the field. Guns, knives longer than 3 inches, or anything else that was designed to bring harm or death does not have a place on the field. This does include machetes, axes, and other brush clearing devices. Plastic or rubber fake weapons are fine.
Rule #16: Field Care
- Do not modify the field without SQA Admin permission
- Do not damage structures on the field.
- Do not climb on them or attempt to break them down.
- Do not cut down trees and/or large branches.
- Do not climb trees.
- If something is tied down, nailed down, or secured in any way, do not move it. It is there for a reason, be it game quality or player safety.
- Do not leave trash on the field or in the parking lot. Pick up after yourself. Trash cans are provided in the parking area, and you are expected to bring your trash with you when leaving the field of play.
- Do not dig foxholes or trenches.
- Please leave field materials (lumber, pallets, barrels, etc) where they sit.
- Please notify an SQA Admin or Ref of any unsafe field conditions.
Rule #17: Building Rules
- No full auto inside buildings.
- No shooting full auto through buildings.
- If you are inside and are shooting outside the building, you may use full auto only if your barrel is breaking the outside plane of the building. This means your barrel needs to be sticking out of the window or door to shoot full auto.
- Switch to semi auto if you are preparing to enter a building. Just because you are outside the building doesn't mean you can open up full auto inside the building. This is obviously a situational rule. It's purpose is for safety. Obviously if you are away from the building, firing full auto into a door is fine, but if you are breaching, please switch to semi auto.
- Do not throw smoke grenades inside buildings.
- Do not jump/climb through windows or off of platforms.
- Binary Trigger and/or Burst is ALWAYS considered Full Auto.
- You may not be Medic’d while inside a building. Your whole body must be outside the structure.
Rule #18: Grenades, Smokes, and Lasers (updated 11/16/2024)
- NO FLASHBANGS (TAGinn FBG-4 are permitted)
- All grenades must be thrown underhanded.
- Once released, do not kick, touch, and/or pickup a "live" grenade.
- You may not use smoke grenades within a building.
- Within a building, a grenade only needs to detonate within a room or hallway for a kill. Anyone within the room or hallway that the grenade detonated in is hit and must dawn a deadrag. If a grenade detonates outside of a structure, then a bb must contact the player.
- No homemade pyrotechnics are allowed.
- Only regular Red-Based Lasers (non-IR) are allowed. The laser output must be < 5mw. Do not point lasers at anyone's eyes. NO IR (InfraRed) lasers.
- ONLY Enola Gaye Smokes are permitted
- Smoke use is dependent on the weather. The use of Smoke will be declared at the Safety Briefing.
- Certain smoke colors may be limited on some game days due to Admin use. We will give adequate notice is that is to occur.
Rule #19: Night Action/Play
Night Vision Users:
A) are limited to 0' MED weapons
B) can not be healed/medic'd. When hit, you must bleed out for 3 minutes then head to a
friendly respawn.
- You need a light or glow stick that is Red, Orange, or Pink to act as a dead rag for night play. If you do not have one, we will provide you with a red chem glow stick - no charge.
- A flashlight is highly recommended but not required.
- Weapons with 0’ MED, equipped with a working tracer, and shooting “active/glowing” 100% tracer BBs may shoot Full Auto - All others are SEMI AUTO ONLY. For Full Auto - ALL BBs must be tracer style, no mix of tracer and non-tracer allowed.
- Tracer units with "Flash" may NOT be set to a Red Flash (added 1/16/25)
- Only 0' and 20' MED weapons allowed
- You must be 13 years of age or older to participate (added 10/30/23)
Night Vision Users:
A) are limited to 0' MED weapons
B) can not be healed/medic'd. When hit, you must bleed out for 3 minutes then head to a
friendly respawn.
Rule #20: Mild MilSim Rule Overrides
- Semi Auto Only, unless it is a true LMG (with 50' MED or lower), or a true SMG (pistol caliber) with a 0 MED. Example - An M4 with a box mag is not a true LMG or a SMG.
- HiCap/Drum/Box mags are still permitted
- Permitted Full Auto Weapons will receive two zip ties at Chrono.
- Binary Trigger or Burst is considered Full Auto.
- Dedicated Medics. Each Medic will receive a "Medic" Armband.
- Only the Dedicated Medics can "heal" players in the field.
- Medics can only be changed at the faction base camp.
Rule #21: Camping