Date: Saturday, April 6, 2013
Location: SQAirsoft - Lexington, SC (1205 Founders Road)
Time: 10:00-5ish - Safety briefing at 9:30
Game guidelines: Skirmish type scenarios. Action will take place in various parts of the field. We will break the forces up and play a scenario, then regroup/refill/refuel and play another round. We will break approximately an hour for lunch, finishing up around 5. Good time to work on fire team tactics for TDC2.
Age restrictions: 10 and up.
Field fee: $10 - cash, debit & credit cards accepted (exact change appreciated) Rentals are available.
ALL RULES: AOSC Rules except as noted at mandatory Safety Briefing
We do REQUIRE players under the age of 18 to wear FULL SEAL eye protection and proper facial protection. ANSI Z87+ rated shooting glasses are allowed as long as the wearer is age 18 or older. It is highly recommended to use some means (ex. strap) to keep the glasses securely in place. Most mesh airsoft goggles are acceptable and are considered full seal. Players caught violating this rule will be removed from play/field. Please protect your eyes!
- Field rental guns $20-$30 plus equal deposit, SQA sells BBs, Green gas, snacks, and drinks.
- Potable water provided to fill containers and/or hydration packs